A light, somber wind blew through campus Wednesday evening as the University of Miami paid tribute to the 33 students and staff who lost their lives Monday at Virginia Tech.
In the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, we have the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of the students affected by this tragedy. Eve Carson made the suggestion to find someone at Virginia Tech to…
Members of the Vanderbilt community expressed their support for Virginia Tech by signing a leather-bound message book emblazoned with the Vanderbilt seal, a gift for Virginia Tech's student government organization.
In the wake of yesterday's tragedy, many University students felt unable to help their peers at Virginia Tech. Within seven hours of the shootings, however, plans were under way for programs to reach…
I have been looking forward all year to writing this, my final column. A last hurrah before I graduate. An opportunity to thank all those who have helped me get to where…
The shooting at Virginia Tech serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of a strong campus community, one in which people know and look out for each other. In the wake of this event, it is important that we make sure that all…