At about 15 PM SLT/PST 16 April 2007 a group of Second Life residents started working on a memorial space for the VT-tragedy. People from all over the world helped out. This shapshot shows the InfoIsland memorial at 18 PM PST 16 April 2007 and the…
This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon. Shakti Burks plays a memorial tune.
This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon. This picture includes Hilde, CT (me) and Shakti.
Sculpture by Darrien Lightworker in Second Life. Located at Virginia Tech memorial on Info Island. Lightworker's description reads: "One blood tear for each soul lost in Virginia Tech"
Detail of sculpture by Darrien Lightworker in Second Life. Located at Virginia Tech memorial on Info Island. Lightworker's description reads: "One blood tear for each soul lost in Virginia Tech"
Tonight (4/16) at 8pm SLT, turn the grid dark, midnight in rememberance of those lost in the Virginia Tech mass murder. There will be a candelight vigil in the Kula Coloseum from 8pm until midnight. Monument by Perefim Coa.
The Librarians of Second Life have constructed a virtual memorial on Info Island to commemorate the victims of Virginia Tech. Pictures of the victims are displayed on a wall, and when visitors…
I was doing a bit of wandering in Second Life today, and came across a rather well-done memorial to the Virginia Tech tragedy in an area that's academically focused (it's staffed 50+ hours per week by volunteer reference…