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  • Tags: romania

[May 17] Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request

Miami, FL, US / (Press Release) The record for the World's "Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request" has just been accepted by the World Records Academy.

The new record…

Data publicarii: 21/04/2007

Profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Libreanu, ucis in masacrul de luni de la Virginia Tech, a fost inmormintat vineri in Israel.

Zeci de persoane au asistat la funeralii in cimitirul din orasul Raanana, din…

[April 18] Romanian born Hero Liviu Librescu received Highest Award

BUCHAREST/ The President of Romania, Traian Basescu, has signed today, April the 18th the year to end, the decree concerning the post-mortem conferring…
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