Browse Items (11 total)

In Praise of Korean Apologies

By Yitzchok Adlerstein

Despite initial apprehensions, Korean-Americans were not victimized in reaction to the Virginia Tech massacre. But this tragedy seems to have brought out the best in most Americans. Koreans…

By Korea Times Reporters

Koreans and Americans appear to have different views on the causes of the Virginia shooting spree as the Korean fear of backlash was overcome by an American outpouring of compassion and help.

Koreans, especially those…

Korean Students in US Nervous Over Rumor

By Kim Yoo-chul
Staff Reporter

Tensions have risen in Korean communities in Virginia as rumors and allegations of Koreans being attacked spread.

Even a U.S. university sent a letter of assurance…

By Kim Tong-hyung
Staff Reporter

The senseless tragedy that took the lives of 33 people at Virginia Tech University has some Korean students reconsidering their plans to study at U.S. schools.

After the gunman of the worst massacre in U.S.…

By Kim Rahn
Staff Reporter

The family of Cho Seung-hui, the gunman of the Virginia Tech massacre, was a typical immigrant success story of the American dream until a few days ago.

Father, 62, and mother, 56, moved to the United States in…

By Kim Heung-sook

``We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness ... We will prevail...'' _ Nikki Giovanni, Virginia Tech Distinguished Professor, poet, activist.

Ten days have passed…

By Kang Shin-who
Staff Reporter

Virginia Tech (VT) students didn't want to think about the massacre incident any more during the press conference with Korean media.

Eighteen students and two professors of the school visited Konkuk…

By Kang Hyun-kyung
Staff Reporter

The latest Virginia massacre has shown that Koreans and Americans tend to handle cases of violence differently.

Many Koreans have shown a collective guilt after the killer was found to be of Korean descent.…

By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter

Washington has dismissed Seoul's worries about a possible racial backlash in the United States and a crack in their alliance following Monday's shooting rampage at Virginia Tech University, diplomatic…

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. _ For ethnic Koreans, hearing that the Virginia Tech killer was also a Korean was shocking in an almost physical way. Although I can speak only for myself, I feel a primeval sense of horror that someone connected to me by ethnicity…

By Bae Ji-sook
Staff Reporter

The Virginia Tech massacre by a South Korean student shocked the entire nation, including netizens.

On Tuesday, netizens posted articles expressing their shock as well as paying condolences to the victims of the…
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